The Reformed Advisor

How Mark Cuban and Al Sharpton Prove Liberals Like Racists

Posted on May 29, 2014 in Public Policy by

Sharpton racism

Yes, I’m still talking about the Donald Sterling fiasco.

No, I’m still not supporting his racist comments and am myself not a racist.

What I have a hard time letting go of is the selective moral outrage the left is so good at faking. They pretend to be angry that an 80 plus year old man made a few racist comments (not something new) and proceed to parade him before the public as an example of behavior they won’t tolerate.

The problem is that the NBA and the left have been tolerating racist behavior from Sterling and others for years.

In an interview in Nashville last week Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban stirred the racist waters with his comments that not only is he a little racist but so is everyone else. Cuban said:

“I know I’m prejudiced, and I know I’m bigoted in a lot of different ways. If I see a black kid in a hoodie on my side of the street, I’ll move to the other side of the street. If I see a white guy with a shaved head and tattoos, I’ll move back to the other side of the street. None of us have pure thoughts; we all live in glass houses…There’s no law against stupid. I’m the one guy who says don’t force the stupid people to be quiet. I want to know who the morons are.”

Where’s the media firestorm? Where’s the NBA commissioner and his press conference revealing just how disgusting such thoughts and words are? Did you even hear about Cuban’s comments before right now? You didn’t know about Cuban’s comments and nothing will be done because Mark Cuban is a rock-star in the NBA. He owns the Dallas Mavericks, is a millionaire in business, and is part of the popular show “Shark Tank.” There’s no way anyone is going to mess with Mark Cuban; even if he is a little racist. Continue reading…

VIRAL VIDEO: This Pro Life Water Mosaic is Stunning

Posted on May 28, 2014 in Life by reported on the world’s largest water mosaic and the unintentional pro-life message it shared. The LifeNews article states:

“I had originally hoped the video was made with the intent to spread the pro-life message but it turns out it has a very different purpose: to spread awareness of the global clean water crisis…From the video’s post on YouTube: ‘To raise awareness among the general public about the global clean water crisis, the artist Belo created an image composed of 66,000 cups of colored rainwater simulating levels of impurities found in water all over the planet. This major work of 3,600 square feet, representing a fetus in the maternal womb, emphasizes the necessity of water, even before birth, for each living person.’

“How right Belo is: every living person has common needs, like water, even the living people in the womb. We also all have the common need to be alive.  Whether or not Belo intended it, this beautiful art is a powerful message of the humanity of the preborn and their striking similarity to us, both in needs and likeness and in just about every other way that really counts.”

The video is below and it is well worth 2 minutes of your time. If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.

Boys Being Boys: The Redefinition of Boyhood in American Schools

Posted on May 28, 2014 in Sexuality by

boys playing armyI think we can all agree that I’m no expert in sociology, psychology, or even gender studies. I’m just a guy that reads hundreds of news headlines each week in an effort to study and learn more about the culture I live in. I’m no Dr. Keith Ablow, I’m not even Dr. Phil for that matter – though I’m pretty sure I could fill in for him without much trouble.

So when experts like Christina Hoff-Summers starts talking, I start listening. Hoff-Summers is the resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and she has a serious message for America: Let boys be boys!

That might sound like a silly old cliché but more and more it is becoming a battle cry for many parents at odds with a society that wants their boys to behave like girls.

I’m not saying that people want boys to wear dresses and sport some well applied make-up. I’m talking about the effort to “reform” the behavior of boys so that it resembles that of girls. In other words, we’re taking the macho out of our boys and replacing it with feminine characteristics.

In a recent video for the American Enterprise Institute and Prager University, Hoff-Summers explains the problem taking place in schools regarding boys and their behavior: Continue reading…

URGENT: West Virginia Legislature Close to Forcing Special Session to Override Veto of Pro Life Bill

Posted on May 27, 2014 in Life by

UrgentI am pleased to report that news has been circulating that legislators in West Virginia are close to forcing a special session to seek an override to Gov. Tomblin’s veto of the 20 week abortion ban. Pro-lifers throughout the state and across the country were disappointed when Tomblin vetoed the bill for several reasons; least of all is the fact that he consistently claims to be pro-life. But his reasoning, that the bill is unconstitutional, doesn’t hold up considering that other states have passed similar bills that have withstood judicial challenge. is reporting: “In a speech Wednesday, House Minority Leader Tim Armstead (R-Kanawha) urged members to sign the petition. He said of Tomlin’s threat to veto, ‘I’m sure it’s a message to the remaining Democratic members to not sign the petition.’ However, Tomblin would have no choice if three-fifths of the members of both houses request it in writing. That means 22 in the Senate and 60 delegates. As of Thursday night, Armstead said it was his understanding that ’54 delegates and 23 senators had signed the petition,’ the Charleston Gazette reported.”

When Speaker Tim Miley called the bill “legally flawed” he was taken to task by West Virginians for Life Legislative Coordinator John Carey: “It is unfortunate that the Speaker does not think that the passage of legislation to protect the unborn child is important enough to place on the agenda of a special session. The people of West Virginia are overwhelmingly pro-life. It is time that the state legislature took action to ensure that these pro-life values are reflected in the laws of the Mountain State.”

Carey is right. Most West Virginians are shocked to learn that two abortion clinics operate without oversight or regulation in Charleston. They are further angered by the fact that West Virginia is just one of nine states to allow abortion up to the moment of birth for any reason. And the fact that West Virginia forces every citizen to fund abortion through taxes is offensive to most residents.

It is time for West Virginia lawmakers to either stand by their pro-life claims or for us to elect new leaders that will act in accordance with their beliefs.

Overwhelming: A Lack of Morality and Increase in Lawlessness in America

Posted on May 27, 2014 in Public Policy by

Obama administration scandalsIf you thought 9/11 was a big deal (and it was), what is happening in our world today is even bigger. The events taking place both here in the United States and around the world are changing the course for nations and citizens worldwide.

What is taking place is nothing short of a strategic campaign to overload the system and cause mass confusion that will eventually give more power to politicians and those in power. This is a deliberate tactic of liberals and progressives seeking to radically change the political and social landscape of America. When you overload the system – any system – all it takes is a little misinformation here a little disinformation there and viola new laws are passed, regulations added, taxes raised, and no one is the wiser.

But this is how it has to be. We have to pass laws in order to find out what’s in them. It’s worked so well with ObamaCare, why not do it again with gun laws, marriage laws, abortion laws, religious freedom laws, search and seizure laws, and any other laws liberals don’t like and want to change. As long as liberals can create a distraction big enough to keep America’s attention for a week or two they can hold late night meetings in Congress and pass or change any laws they want.

Hey, who cares if majorities in 40 countries find abortion and homosexuality morally wrong, let’s just keep telling everyone that they are fundamental rights and make them completely legal with no regulations. In fact, what we should do is convince people, even Christians, that abortion and same-sex “marriage” are human rights that every person deserves unfettered access to. There’s nothing like giving indulgent people access to their most depraved desires under the guise of compassion and human rights. Continue reading…

Another One (Three Marriage Protection Laws) Bites the Dust

Posted on May 26, 2014 in Marriage by

seal of the stateJudge strikes down Idaho marriage protection law.

Judge strikes down Arkansas marriage protection law.

Judge strikes down Oregon marriage protection law.

Judge strikes down Pennsylvania marriage protection law.

The disturbing trend of judicial activism that continues to plague our country has claimed more victims. I’ve previously written about what is happening in a number of states regarding marriage. The previous article centered on 13 states: Pennsylvania, Virginia, Oklahoma, Utah, Kentucky, Colorado, Oregon, Texas, Michigan,
Tennessee, Indiana, Florida, and Ohio.

In each of these states federal judges or a combination of federal judges and state legislatures (in cooperation with attorney’s general) have either overturned voter approved laws or simply refused to defend state laws from attacks. Or a state was on the list because a challenge was in place and an outcome to the challenge was pending; as in the case of Oregon which has now “fallen” and had marriage redefined by a federal judge; and in the case of Pennsylvania where the attorney general refused to defend the marriage protection law and a federal judge has now struck down the law.

We can now add to the list Idaho and Arkansas. (A challenge in Georgia is still pending a decision.)

We are up to 15 states that have watched as federal judges, state legislatures and attorney’s general have all ignored the will of the people, the majority, and redefined marriage for the entire state. Georgia is still awaiting the outcome of a challenge to their state marriage protection law. Continue reading…

An Open Letter to Glenn Beck After Speaking at Liberty University

Posted on May 24, 2014 in Theology by

Glenn Beck speaking Liberty University*This article is in response to Glenn Beck’s recent statements about the backlash of speaking at Liberty University.  I have opposed inviting Glenn Beck speak at Convocation because he is not a Christian.

Dear Glenn Beck,

Discovering your program long before you moved to New York and then Texas, from the early days I enjoyed your political commentary, satire, and “Moron Trivia”.  While I do not always agree with you, you have amassed an empire that does try to combat the liberal bias prevalent in other outlets.  I rarely listen to you today, but I am not hostile to you.

I am a graduate of Liberty University in Lynchburg Virginia.  In fact, I am not merely a one time graduate,  I hold my undergraduate degree and a Master of Divinity, Master of Business Administration, and Master of Arts in Religion from Liberty.   I am a conservative and not one who would bash you or Liberty because of your conservative stance.

Yet, I opposed you speaking at my Alma Mater.  This has nothing to do, as you said, with hate, it has everything to do with doctrine.  You see, I am a Christian who holds to the historic faith of Christianity.  You do not.

You hold to the Mormon faith.  While you claim to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, your church has made a mockery of the Jesus I worship.  Calling Jesus the brother of Lucifer, you attack Jesus’ Holiness and essence.  Denying the Trinity, you reject the fullness of the glory of God.  Adding to the Word of God, you attack the basis of all our knowledge of God Almighty. Continue reading…

Why Are Churches Dying?: Having a Missional Filter Like Jesus

Posted on May 23, 2014 in Theology by

church is dyingJohn chapter 4 is one of the most informative accounts in the New Testament. In this historical narrative Jesus destroys stereotypes, man-made traditions and rules, and removes barriers to salvation. This passage teaches us that everything we do as Christians, everything we do as a church should be through a missional filter. That simply means that everything should be focused on fulfilling the two great commandments to love God and love people, and the Great Commission to make disciples.

The Bible says in verse 3 that “And he had to pass through Samaria.”  He needed to go through Samaria. This is a key phrase for a couple of reasons. The Believer’s Bible Commentary says:

“Samaria was on the direct route from Judea to Galilee. But few Jews ever took this direct route. The region of Samaria was so despised by the Jewish people that they often took a very roundabout route through Perea to get north into Galilee. Thus, when it says that Jesus needed to go through Samaria, the thought is not so much that He was compelled to do so  by geographical considerations, but rather by the fact that there was a needy soul in Samaria He could help.”[1]

Jews hated Samaritans for being only half Jewish rather than full-blood Jews. They hated Samaritans so much that they would rather take a round-about route than to walk through Samaria to get to Galilee. But before you laugh and criticize the Jews for being cold, calloused, absurd, or anything else, ask yourself, how often have you avoided certain people in your life?

How often have you said, “Those drunks ought to be behind bars,” “Hookers/Strippers are ruining our culture,” “Gays should be put on an island,” “Delinquents need taught a lesson”? Continue reading…

People Might Call Me Names for Agreeing With Donald Sterling

Posted on May 22, 2014 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

LeBron SterlingI like this move by Donald Sterling.

I know saying that might make some people angry. Some might even call me names or believe that I am racists or that I support racism. But nothing is further from the truth. Here’s why I agree with Sterling.

It seems redundant at this point to say it again, but let me be clear: I do not condone racism of any kind. That includes black on white racism that is often ignored by media and activists. Racism of any kind is an evil disease in our country that needs to die.

So here is where we’re at concerning Donald Sterling.

The aged owner of the NBA’s Clippers was caught on tape making some racist remarks. Now, let’s be totally honest and admit that he was secretly recorded, which is a violation of his privacy. Those secretly recorded comments were then released to the public without his approval, which is also a violation of his privacy and civil rights. No one wants to talk about those offenses because they just don’t conjure up the mob mentality liberals like to foment.

After the comments were released and the public was outraged, the NBA decided to impose a massive fine ($2.5 million) and then ban Sterling from the NBA for life. The league is also trying to force Sterling to sell the team he has owned since 1980.

Donald Sterling has refused to pay the fine and is preparing to fight to keep his team. And I couldn’t agree more with him. Continue reading…

This Info-Graphic Says It All Regarding Moral Issues

Posted on May 21, 2014 in Life, Sexuality by

The info-graphic posted here is from a recent study by the Pew Research Center called: Pew Research Center’s 2013 Global Attitudes. It shows the response of citizens in 40 countries when asked about moral issues facing our culture. The results speak for themselves. For a further breakdown of the results you can read the Pew study results at the link posted above or click here. 


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