So You Want to Tax Churches? Have You Considered…
Posted on April 22, 2014 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by Nathan Cherry

This is the sentiment some have recently adopted. But is it the best idea?
See if you can answer this question: why are churches tax exempt?
That is a hot button topic in the news, around lawmakers, and on the blogosphere these days. Many don’t know why churches are tax exempt and others simply don’t think they should be. They say that churches are corporations earning money like everyone else and should pay taxes. But is paying taxes really the primary goal of those advocating for the taxing of churches? First, let’s talk about why churches are tax exempt.
Alliance Defending Freedom senior legal counsel Erik Stanley explains that churches have always been tax-exempt since the IRS tax code was first established. And in every version of the code ever since, churches are tax exempt. But, as Stanley explains, many simply don’t know why.
“The fact that most Americans cannot explain why their church is tax exempt indicates a forgotten history and is emblematic of a society that has systematically devalued the church as a beneficial societal institution.”
Therein lies the major problem. Churches were once viewed as valuable organizations that benefited society. But the effort to demonize and marginalize Christians, faith, and churches has successfully changed the opinion of many so that churches are no longer viewed as valuable. All the good churches do for their communities is often forgotten and ignored in the wake of the churches historical beliefs regarding life, marriage, and sexuality. Continue reading…
Dr. James Dobson Beats ObamaCare HHS Mandate
Posted on April 21, 2014 in Religious Freedom by Nathan Cherry
A recent article reports that a federal court has issued an injunction against enforcement of the ObamaCare HHS Mandate against Dr. James Dobson and his “Family Talk” radio show. Alliance Defending Freedom senior counsel Kevin Theriot commented on the injunction:
“Faith-based organizations should be free to operate according to the faith they teach and live out every day. If the government can fine Christian ministries out of existence because they want to uphold their faith, there is no limit to what other freedoms it can take away. The court was right to block enforcement of this unconstitutional mandate against Family Talk.”
Dr. Dobson said of the injunction:
“Our ministry believes in living out the religious convictions we hold to and talk about on the air. As Americans, we should all be free to live according to our faith and to honor God in our work. The Constitution protects that freedom so that the government cannot force anyone to act against his or her sincerely held religious beliefs. But the mandate ignores that and leaves us with a choice no American should have to make: comply and abandon your religious freedom, or resist and be fined for your faith.”
This is indeed good news for Dr. Dobson and all Americans that believe the government has no right to force anyone to violate their deeply held religious convictions. The fact remains that if the government can force us to violate our pro-life convictions it can and will seek to force us to violate other religious convictions. Dr. Dobson and others are right to stand up and oppose such government actions. Hopefully more Americans will do the same rather than give in to the apathy that is easy to succumb to.
Parkersburg South Wrestling Team Intimidated for Expressing Religious Freedom
Posted on April 21, 2014 in Religious Freedom by Nathan Cherry

Photo Credit: The News Center
A controversy over wrestling shirts is brewing in Wood County, West Virginia, at Parkersburg South High School. Thanks to the dubious Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) lodging a complaint with the school Superintendent the wrestling team has been asked to stop wearing their shirts which display the Bible verse Philippians 4:13:
“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”
The Freedom From Religion Foundation makes a practice of sending threatening letters to anyone expressing their religious freedom in the public sector. The group seeks to use bullying and scare tactics to intimidate silence on the part of Christians seeking to live out their faith.
Parkersburg South High School wrestling has a long-standing tradition of wearing t-shirts with the Bible verse on them. According to one article the team has been wearing the shirts since the 1990’s. Another article says the verse is even printed above the wrestling room door.
Critical to this story is the fact that the shirts are bought by parents and are optional for students to wear. In other words, no school funds are provided to purchase the shirts, and no one from the school is demanding wrestlers wear the shirts. Each family decides whether or not to purchase and wear the shirts. Continue reading…
Biblical Illiteracy: It’s Not Just Younger Generations That Are “Embarrassingly Ignorant” of Their Faith
Posted on April 18, 2014 in Theology by Nathan Cherry
In recent years I’ve often said that one of the most challenging dynamics for churches to overcome is biblical illiteracy. Presently it seems to me that there is an abundance of biblical illiteracy in the church among both lay-people and leaders alike. That being the case it is easy to see how the church has lost much of its power, influence, and cultural relevance.
The church has experienced loss in a broad range of areas – numbers, giving, baptisms – over the last decade and a half as it simultaneously faces unprecedented persecution from government. Prominent pastors have publicly endorsed and embraced heretical doctrines (think Rob Bell’s “no hell” doctrine), while others have publicly endorsed sin (such as homosexuality). Constant in-fighting over non-essentials (alcohol, tribulation, carpet color) has also served to disillusion younger generations that see a lack of authenticity.
For me, personally, nothing is as pressing and critical as the issue of biblical literacy. This is far more than the ability to read the Bible and understand it; this is about being able to rightly govern one’s life through the filter of grace, redemption, and sanctification. What’s missing currently is a biblical worldview that shapes and informs every aspect of life to the place that sanctification becomes evident.
For evidence of the problem of biblical illiteracy in our churches today, think back to the last time you had a conversation with a Christian in which he or she discussed a belief in karma, luck, or chance. It happens regularly. Well-meaning Christians talk about doing good deeds in order to have good karma, or about their luck in life; seemingly oblivious to the doctrine of sovereignty that should reign in the mind and heart of every believer. Continue reading…
The picture in this post is that of Scotland Riles. Scotland was miscarried at 20 weeks. But this tragic story has an element of hope and purpose as the father, Tommy Riles, shares the story of his son. Rather than simply having their son removed and discarded as a mass of tissue, the Riles family, as a result of their faith, chose to go through labor and give birth to their son.
After the labor and delivery process, the Riles family spent time with their son, singing, praying, and talking to him. Tommy wrote a letter to his son in which he told him he was proud of his son. Part of that letter says:
“I’m proud of you, son. Even though you only made it halfway through the pregnancy, you have left a mark on our family that will last forever. […] I felt both happy and devastated to be holding my second son in the palm of my hands. We cried. I told you about your brother and sister. We visualized you running through open fields somewhere, free, happy, and full of life. We sang to you. After singing the final line of ‘Silent Night’ to you… ‘Sleep in heavenly peace…’ we knew it was time to say goodbye.”
Thank-you to the Riles family for being strong and sharing this story with us all. And thank-you for standing for life and giving a powerful example of what it means to value every human life, regardless of circumstances.
The LGBT Movement is the New Fascism. Conform or Else! (Part 2)
Posted on April 17, 2014 in Marriage by Nathan Cherry
This is part 2 of my commentary on the the forced resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich and the “new fascism” that is the LGBT movement. Part 1 is here.
Even calm voices such as Dennis Prager is alarmed by the actions of Mozilla. In a recent blog for WND Prager actually told people to uninstall Firefox and boycott Mozilla entirely – something he has never done in his career. Prager warned America that the issue of totalitarianism is the most pressing issue in America right now and must be fought by lovers of liberty. He wrote:
“Worldwide…every genocidal totalitarian regime of the 20th century was leftist. And domestically, too, the left has much less interest in liberty than in forcing people to act in accord with its values. A totalitarian streak is part of the left’s DNA. How you think matters and what you do away outside of work matters: More than 20 states prohibit judges from being leaders in the Boy Scouts – because the left deems the Boy Scouts homophobic.”
Prager is right and that is a frightening thought. At this moment the left is not seeking rights and equality for everyone, the left is seeking conformity by everyone. This matters for two reasons: Continue reading…
Video: Did You Know This Week is a Holy Week for Jews…and Christians?
Posted on April 16, 2014 in Theology by Nathan Cherry
As Christians we often hear about Palm Sunday, and Easter Sunday. Both are important historical dates in the life of Jesus that we remember and celebrate in the life of the church. But the week between those two Sunday’s is equally important should be remembered and celebrated as well. This “holy week” is the last week of Jesus’ earthly life and conveys much about his passion to redeem mankind.
Watch the short video below featuring Justin Taylor, Dr. Douglas Moo, and Dr. Andreas Köstenberger as they explain a little about this final week between two of the greatest dates in history.
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The LGBT Movement is the New Fascism. Conform or Else! (Part 1)
Posted on April 16, 2014 in Marriage by Nathan Cherry
There has been only one event recently (okay, within the last two weeks) absurd enough to make conservatives, liberals and homosexuals lash out in “disgust” and anger. For good reason each party has correctly summarized what has taken place and communicated the detriment it will have on society and liberty.
That even is the firing – I mean resignation of Brendan Eich as the CEO of Mozilla.
I’ve watched this fiasco unfold with interest because of the implications it poses for everyday Americans. Brendan Eich likely will not face financial ruin as a result of his resignation. I have a feeling he is doing pretty good financially. But the example set by the homosexual fascists that ensured his firing will be felt by those willing to speak up but not willing to lose their job. That’s of greater concern.
Newt Gingrich has dubbed this the “new fascism” and said:
“This is just the most open, blatant example of the new fascism, which says if you don’t agree with us 100%, we have the right to punish you, unless you’re like Hillary [Clinton] and Barack Obama, and you recant.”
Oh yeah, that’s right. Just a few years ago our very own President Obama was opposed to same-sex “marriage.” He was elected the first time with that belief. I don’t recall a mass opposition to his campaign from homosexuals who thought his position was worthy of losing his job. Could it be that Obama’s “position” was a campaign tactic and homosexuals knew it and were willing to “suffer” in order to get him elected? That’s a great question someone should ask. Continue reading…
Heartwarming: Deaf Boy Hears Dad Say “I Love You” for the First Time
Posted on April 15, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
The video below is a heartwarming story of love and a medical miracle. Little Grayson, 3 years old, has been deaf since birth as he was born without the cochlear nerves needed to hear. But thanks to a medical miracle he is hearing his dad say “I love you” for the first time. Graysons face is priceless and makes the video worth watching and sharing.
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What Evidence Shows Manchin and Tomblin are Really Pro-Life?
Posted on April 15, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
West Virginia politics is one of the strangest animals in the zoo. Or perhaps the whole zoo is strange. The more I dive into the political system in West Virginia the more confused I become as it seemingly makes no sense.
Here’s a good example of what I’m talking about.
A former governor of West Virginia that claims to be pro-life allowed an abortion clinic to operate down the road from his office for years without lifting a finger. He could have brought common sense health and safety regulations to this completely unregulated clinic, he could have even sought to ban abortion. After all, pro-life people generally don’t like any abortions, much less unregulated ones taking place. Yet, as governor, he did nothing.
That former governor is now a senator, where, once again, he claims to be pro-life while he does little to nothing to defend and protect life either is his home state or the nation as a whole. But he recently said that would vote for a federal 20 week abortion ban if it comes up for a vote in the senate.
On the other hand, the current governor of West Virginia, also claiming to be pro-life, vetoes a state 20 week abortion ban, calling it unconstitutional. Even though a dozen states have passed similar bills, even though the Senate has passed a similar bill, even though the laws have withstood legal challenge, he vetoes it. This same governor has his eye on a potential senate seat where he will once again claim to be pro-life. Continue reading…