The Reformed Advisor

Wealth Principles: The Principle of Human Productivity

Posted on March 8, 2018 in Money, Public Policy by

Human Productivity“Don’t just stand there, do something.”

This phrase has been used by many in history. It has been attributed to Clint Eastwood, Dwight Eisenhower, and a backward version has even been uttered by the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland. The author is not nearly as important as the principle behind the sentiment.

From the beginning man was created to be productive. In ancient religious writings, such as the Bible, God gives man the instruction to “be fruitful and multiply,” and “care for the garden.” we are designed and created to be productive people that derive satisfaction and fulfillment in our ability to produce.

Today, a major goal of every business in the world is how to be more productive. Massive amounts of resources are spent on developing ways to cut costs by becoming more efficient and, thereby, more productive.

This is what socialism is missing. Socialism says that everyone will be happy if we just divide everything evenly. Socialism ignores the principle of human productivity by making it possible for people that do very little to have the same means as those producing greater amounts. Socialism effectively removes the incentive to human productivity.

Many welfare systems that have no work requirement also violate the principle of human productivity. If I don’t have to work and the government will still provide free housing, health care, cell phones, and food, what is my incentive to work? Poverty is perpetuated by the idea that people shouldn’t have to be productive in order to receive goods and services.

We naively assume that every person has the same level of desire to be productive. But history tells us this is not true. Some have a greater desire and push harder to produce more. Others have a lesser desire to produce and are more content with modest means. There’s nothing wrong with this as both have a desire to be productive. But it is a warning that any attempt to circumvent the principle of productivity will necessarily remove the incentive to be productive.

Without the principle of productivity and the incentive to be productive, it is not possible to create and sustain wealth. Productivity is the very reason that businesses exist. Economist Jerry Bowyer makes this point in his recent article:

“Businesses gather people together to help them be more productive. That’s the point of companies. As Nobelist Ronald Coase argued a century ago in “The Theory of the Firm”, business firms exist because putting people in the same organizations cuts down on the coordination cost which it takes to get them cooperating if they were not working for the same business. They are more productive together.”
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The Next Chapter in the Trans Revolution: Trans-Species

Posted on March 7, 2018 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

Neil HarbissonThe trans movement has reached its peak – what now?

First, we learned about transgender people. People that ignore reality and declare to the world that though they are, biologically, male, they now “identify” as a woman. We were asked to ignore biology, science, and the reality before our eyes and acknowledge that how a person feels is more important than biological reality.

We then learned about trans-racial people. These are people that though they are white, self-identify as something else: African-American perhaps. These are not people that simply enjoy and appreciate another culture and want to be an active part of the culture. These are people that, once again, have asked us to ignore reality and support their feelings; regardless of how confused they are.

Then we learned that some people identify as trans-age. This false reality allows a grown man to identify as a 9 year old boy. This is not just a case of an adult wanting to be a kid again. This is the case of an adult man accused of sexually abusing young girls and using the defense of “trans-age” to show that his actions are not sick, demented, or illegal.

And finally, this reality-denying movement has reached its peak as we now learn that some people claim to be trans-species.

Neil Harbisson was born color blind. Not the most common type of color blind where colors are dull, somewhat faded, or its hard to tell one color from another. Harbisson was born completely color blind and sees only in shades of black and white. To cope with his condition, Harbisson had an antenna installed into his head that “translates light waves into vibrations that his brain has learned to decode,” according to a recent article.

Now, I’m going to stop right here and be honest enough to say that I don’t actually know how to understand that last sentence. Do colors make “light waves?” If I see a blue car am I missing out on the “light waves” because my eyes see color and my brain interprets the colors as colors? What interaction do these “light waves” have with sound, radio waves, and other forms of technology around us?

Let’s set my curiosity aside for a moment and focus on what Harbisson says about himself. He recently said: Continue reading…

I Am Tired of Evangelical Christians

Posted on March 1, 2018 in Theology by

Tired ChristianThe term “evangelical Christian” has nearly become a byword in our culture. Some of it is deserved. In recent years I have grown tired of evangelical Christians. Allow me to share a few of the reasons why:

I’m tired of people claiming the name of Christ and showing little interest in His bride, the church. Absolutely anything can get in the way of regular attendance, especially kids’ events. “Oh, sorry we haven’t been here in a while, the kid have been playing soccer/basketball/football/baseball/track/band/dance/lacrosse/science club/mathletes.” It’s these same parents that come running to the pastor when their kid turns their back on God, wondering “what went wrong?”

I’m tired of Christians supporting absolutely any candidate the GOP throws in the ring, as long as they promise to lower taxes and support the military. Let’s forget about character, ethics, morality, or anything substantive in our hunger for political victory. Don’t forget, it’s what Jesus would do. What if Jesus would vote third-party because the candidate has better moral qualifications? “Voting third-party is a wasted vote. This guy isn’t perfect, but he’s the ‘lesser of two evils.’” Tell me again why I should vote for evil. Maybe we need to be more concerned with God’s kingdom, and giving account before Him one day over who is in the White House.

I’m tired of excuses for poor financial stewardship and lack of tithing. I will be honest enough to admit that I don’t see anywhere in the New Testament that says we need to tithe 10%. But, if 10% was the standard in the Old Testament, before grace, are we really going to give less now that we live under grace thanks to Jesus? And when the average American Christian “tithes” 1.3% – I think we need to reconsider our priorities. What excuse will you give for not giving when you reach Heaven? You needed another X-Box? Another car? Another vacation? Yep, Jesus is gonna love all those. Continue reading…

From One Pastor to Another: Don’t Wait to Get Your Financial House in Order

Posted on February 27, 2018 in Money, Theology by

Church HealthI grew up in a pastor’s house. I went to school for biblical studies and theology and eventually received a Master’s degree. I love to spend time with other’s talking about theology, creeds, confessions, and historical writings. Teaching the truth of Scripture has been a blessing that I am thankful for.

Having spent more than a decade in numerous ministry settings; including a church plant, a church that met in a school, and a small traditional church. I can say with confidence that there is one thing many churches have in common: pastoral staff that need financial help.

You probably thought I was going to say something else, something more spiritual. But the truth is that money is a very spiritual issue. In the New Testament, Jesus talked about two topics more than any others: hell and money. I don’t think that’s a coincidence. I would even suggest that those are two of the least popular topics in our culture today.

And yet, I find myself in a position of spending all day every day talking about money.

As a financial professional I have the privilege of helping people reach their financial goals. There is tremendous fulfillment in walking with someone on their journey towards retirement and other financial goals. I am particularly thankful for the Christians I get to work with, as we have the opportunity to sharpen one another spiritually. But I am concerned for the pastors I know and care about.

I recently learned of a pastor that retired from ministry and told his wife they had enough money for 7-8 years. He then got brain cancer and died shortly after retiring, leaving his wife with medical bills and financial concerns. What could he have done differently? Who could he have asked for guidance to avoid this scenario?

I get the impression that many pastors think they don’t have enough money to work with a financial professional. Perhaps they think it takes hundreds of thousands of dollars before it’s worth the time and cost. Or perhaps pastors are concerned what their congregations might think if they know their pastor is working with a financial professional. Will people start wondering if the pastor has too much money?

Let me say that the financial services industry hasn’t done a very good job welcoming people with modest means. Many places actually do have financial minimums before you get to work with an advisor. And if you don’t have enough money you get to work with a call center along with thousands of others. This is partly because financial professionals have traditionally been paid on commission and, consequently, only want to work with high net worth clients. The industry is changing, however, and compensation for financial professionals is moving away from commissions.

Pastor, if your congregation loves you the way they are supposed to, they want to see you financially prepared. The days of keeping a pastor poor to “keep him humble” are largely gone. Congregations recognize the need to provide adequate wages for the spiritual caretaker of their families. No one expects you to scrape by, unable to care for your family.

Preparing for the days when earning an income from full-time ministry is no longer an option should be carefully considered. What will your source of income be? If you, like many pastors, opted out of Social Security, you can’t count on that. Most pastors don’t have a pension. How will you provide for your needs once you are no longer able to work? These, and many other questions are beginning to plague pastors as they get older.

Allow me to suggest 3 things that can get the ball rolling as you consider your financial position.
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Google Complies with Government Request to Yank LGBT Apps from Play Store

Posted on February 21, 2018 in Money, Public Policy by

James DamoreMaybe Google isn’t as LGBT friendly as everyone thought.

It has been reported recently that Google has complied with a government request in Indonesia to pull LGBT apps from their Play Store. It appears that, though “homosexuality and gay sex are legal in Indonesia,” the government and cultural norms frown on LGBT behavior. The government has requested, and Google has complied, with removing some LGBT apps from their Play Store in order to discourage homosexual behavior.

At the time of this writing it appears that the Indonesian government has requested up to 73 LGBT apps be removed from availability to the Indonesian people in Google’s Play Store. It is unclear how many have been removed but, it appears, that at least some of the apps have already been yanked.

I’ll admit that I’m perplexed by news that Google is complying with a government request to yank LGBT apps from their Play Store. I thought Google was a “tolerant,” “inclusive” company that championed the views of the sexual revolution. I thought Google openly mocked and blacklisted anyone that dared to disagree with their corporate code.

Wasn’t it Google that called for the firing of James Damore, the former engineer that dared to express views not shared by Google? Wasn’t it Google that openly mocked conservative values, and felt free to blacklist conservatives from their company campus? Wasn’t it Google that supported every conceivable lifestyle, including people identifying as fictional beasts and buildings? I was certain that it was Google that made clear in the Damore case that “intolerance” against individuals (except conservatives) would not be tolerated or supported.

I wonder how the employees feel about pulling LGBT apps from the Play Store? Do they sit around in meeting sharing an understanding nod and look of approval because, after all, this is Indonesia. Do they give the Indonesian government a pass because they are the government and have the right to govern as they see fit?

It has been reported that the Indonesian government recently forced several transgender women to cut their hair and wear men’s clothing to show their disapproval of transgenderism. Does anyone at Google consider that removing the LGBT apps will be a sign of support for the governments actions?

Or maybe, just maybe, Google is a corporation with profit as its first priority and the bottom line as its main concern.
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AMAZING VIDEO: MRI Shows Unborn 20 Week Old Child Stretch and Move

Posted on February 20, 2018 in Life by

Image Credit: Channel Mum

Image Credit: Channel Mum

I’ve seen a lot of ultrasound videos, but this one is unique and a powerful testimony to the humanity of the unborn.

I really can’t figure out how Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and other abortion advocates continue to call pro-lifers “anti-science,” when every bit of scientific evidence supports the pro-life position. Pro-lifers have been saying the unborn are human for years while abortion advocates say it isn’t so. And yet, every ultra-sound video confirms once again just how human and alive the unborn really are.

In this newest video, an MRI ultra-sound, the living child is just 20 weeks old, the age pro-lifers want to protect unborn children from abortion. This is also the age abortion advocates don’t want protected, even though these unborn children can feel pain and are just as human and alive as you and I.

In the video we get to see the child in amazing detail through the use of MRI and ultra-sound technology. We get to watch as the child turns her head, kicks her legs, squirms around seeming to try and reposition or get comfortable in her small living space. She even stretches her legs. And, if you look closely, you will see this little child’s beating heart. Once you see a video like this, it is impossible to deny that this is a living human being.

The reality that this is a living human being capable of feeling pain must be the reason the abortion lobby is so adamant that women not see a video of their unborn child before having an abortion. Planned Parenthood has fought for years to take down any law requiring a woman have an ultra-sound before an abortion. Why? Simply because any human being that sees her unborn child squiggle and squirm will not have the heart to kill the child. Fewer abortions is bad business for Planned Parenthood. Continue reading…

Grown Man Abuses Young Girls – Claims to be “Trans-Age”

Posted on February 15, 2018 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

joseph_romanFirst came people claiming to be transgender. Next were people claiming to be transracial. Now an accused child molester is claiming to be trans-age!

When reality is pushed aside in favor of the way people feel, the implications are vast. Some implications are immediately known and brought to light. In the case of people claiming to be transgender, an immediate implication is how a business will respond concerning use of their bathroom.

But not all implications can be predicted. Often it is these unknown variables that can throw everything into a tailspin.

After the celebration by our culture of people claiming to be transgender, came the revelation that some people are “trans-racial.” Much like a transgender person that claims they are really the opposite gender, a trans-racial person claims to actually be a different ethnicity.

For example, headlines not long ago shared the story of a white man that “self-identifies” as Filipino. Even though Adam is a white male, he now identifies as a Ja Du,a Filipino male. And who cold forget the story or Rachel Dolezal, a white woman that claimed she was African American. Dolezal even held a top leadership spot in the ACLU of Washington state; until the truth was revealed.

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Thank You Cecile Richards – For Making the Pro-Life Movement So Strong

Posted on February 13, 2018 in Life by

Cecile RichardsIf you’re the head of a global corporation that is being investigated by the FBI, has been embroiled in one scandal after another, and is declining in popularity and funding, what do you do?

For Cecile Richards, the head (and face) of Planned Parenthood, the answer is simple: resign.

For the last 12 years Richards has led Planned Parenthood to become the world’s largest abortion merchant. Making use of her political ties Richards made abortion a central plank in every Democrat’s platform. Abortion is now, among Democrats, considered a “fundamental human right,” though it has only been legal for 45 years. And Planned Parenthood has reaped the benefits of Richard’s political gamesmanship in the form of approximately $500 million dollars in tax-funding each year over the last decade.

Richards’ resignation announcement is a surprise that few saw coming. She has had no challengers to her leadership at Planned Parenthood and has, arguably, done an excellent job leading the organization. When news broke that Richards might resign, it immediately made headlines with supporters and opponents wigging in.

But why resign? If you have taken an organization from mediocrity to international prominence, why head for the door now?

Could it have something to do with the administration change in Washington? It’s no secret that former President Obama was a huge abortion and Planned Parenthood supporter. He did everything in his power to aid Planned Parenthood. This included giving the non-profit organization millions in tax-payer funds each year, blocking any legislation to limit abortion, appointing pro-abortion judges and other government officials, refusing to have his DOJ investigate the organization for selling aborted baby body parts, and even cutting off federal funding to Texas after it dared to defund Planned Parenthood. President Obama was truly a friend of abortion and Planned Parenthood.

So far, however, President Trump has made it clear that he supports life and his administration will defend the unborn at every opportunity. Trump’s first loud and clear message was to nominate staunchly pro-life judge Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court. Other actions, such as rescinding President Obama’s threat to defund any state that yanks funding for Planned Parenthood, appointing pro-life government officials, and appearing via video feed to the March for Life (the first president to do so), are sending a clear message to the nation that President Trump intends to be a pro-life president.

Perhaps this new administration’s pro-life policy has encouraged Richards to step down. Maybe she sees the writing on the wall for Planned Parenthood. Maybe she is concerned about the new DOJ investigation into Planned Parenthood’s practice of selling aborted baby body parts for profit. Without President Obama and pro-abortion allies like Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who will protect Planned Parenthood? Now, if they have violated federal law, someone might actually be prosecuted. Maybe Cecile Richards doesn’t want to get her hands dirty (anymore).

Or maybe Richards is smart enough to see that support for abortion is falling. As science continues to show us the humanity of the unborn, younger generations are rejecting abortion ideology in favor of life. Consider for a moment that over the last 5 years Planned Parenthood has done an average of 325,000 abortions each year. While that number is sickening, it’s not growing, it’s declining. shares the following statistics from Planned Parenthood’s 2016-17 annual report:
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Forget Bitcoin – Blockchain is the Real Value in Cryptocurrencies

Posted on February 7, 2018 in Money by

BlockchainAs I watched the commercial during an NFL playoff game my mouth dropped. I’d been reading about it for months. But here it was coming at me in primetime television and I had to do a double take.

Up until now it was mostly theoretical and abstract for me. But now the potential global impact of this new technology was in front of my eyes. And apparently, IBM has beaten everyone else to the punch by launching a nationwide commercial.

If you’re unfamiliar with blockchain technology, keep reading. The fact is, this new technology has the potential to revolutionize every industry on the planet.

Imagine for a moment the ability to conduct business quicker, safer, more secure. What used to take hours, or even days, can now take just minutes. Imagine what used to require several middlemen is now a safe, secure transaction between just two people: a buyer and seller (or sender and receiver). With fewer middlemen to drive up costs and make mistakes, global business has the potential to become more efficient and cheaper.

In the current system, if you wanted to wire money to a relative overseas, you go to the bank (during banking hours), and use the banks wire service to send the funds. It will cost you a nice little fee, and take a couple of days for the funds to be sent as the bank verifies the funds transfer. This current system, essentially, makes you pay for the use of a middle man to transfer your funds. Additionally, you are trusting a third party to act in your best interest rather than conducting business solely between you and your relative. And really, you are just paying (and waiting) for a bank employee to make an entry in a ledger.


The easiest way to describe blockchain is this: it is a decentralized ledger where transaction contracts are created and stored instantly and securely.

Basically, instead of relying on a bank to move your money, you could do it yourself, without the middle man. If you wanted to wire $1,000 to a relative in Europe, you could do so using blockchain in a matter of seconds, with little to no cost. And there’s no third party to make mistakes or drive up costs. Continue reading…

If a Man Isn’t Attracted to a Transgender Woman – is He Transphobic?

Posted on February 6, 2018 in Sexuality by

Genuine IndiaDoes refusal to date a transgender person equate to transphobia?

A video clip surfaced of a reality show in which an R&B singer, Ginuwine, was accused of being transphobic because he didn’t want to date a transgender person. Apparent’y it’s no longer enough to support transgender rights, now, if you aren’t willing to date transgender people you are transphobic.

The scene unfolded on an episode of “Celebrity Big Brother UK” when one of the cast members, India Willoughby, lamented that man don’t want to date “her” because she is a transgender woman. Ginuwine commented that such a decision was a personal choice and he would choose not to be with a transgender person. That sentiment set off a conversation in which Ginuwine was attacked for his personal decision.

Let’s analyze several of the comments made regarding this issue.

India Willoughby — a journalist — was sitting next to Ginuwine on a couch and lamenting that ‘a lot of guys wouldn’t go out with somebody like me, even though I’m a woman.’”

Actually, I think a lot of guys won’t go out with India because he’s a man. Changing your name, your outward appearance, the way you dress, or even your genitalia does not make you a woman. Your genetic code, your chromosomes is that of a man. Biologically, you are a man. This might come as a surprise, but many men simply don’t want to date another man.

“Another cast member seemed to agree, pointing to “fragile masculinity” as the reason why straight men don’t get involved with transgender women.”

This is a false conclusion. I’m so strong in my masculinity that I am positive I don’t want to date another man. My masculinity is firmly planted in reality where the natural order of male-female relationships prevails and I am only attracted to biological females. That’s not a sign of “fragile masculinity” but of strong, assured masculinity.

In another statement, India said:
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