The Reformed Advisor

Tag: gender

Planned Parenthood Has Some Advice for Your Pre-Schooler

Posted on August 16, 2017 in Life, Sexuality by

If you thought that Planned Parenthood couldn’t stoop any lower into the sewer of culture, you clearly don’t know this criminal organization. Planned Parenthood recently released new guidelines and talking points for talking with kids about sex and gender. In case you didn’t know, this is the last group of people you want involved in any discussion with your kids about sex and gender. If you’re not sure whether this is true or not, consider:

Settled Science: You Can Be Either Male or Female

Posted on June 15, 2017 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

Let me start by saying I love the differences between men and women. I know that’s probably not a popular thing to say in our culture as we are supposed to downplay the differences between the sexes. Not me, I like the differences and I like celebrating our differences.

Up until about 10 years ago it was normal, popular even, to celebrate the differences between the sexes. Routinely within our culture we praised men for certain things and women for other things. This, despite the growing assault of the feminist movement, was nothing that would capture headlines.

Then things changed.

Men and Women Have Changed Their Opinions on Marriage. Why?

Posted on May 18, 2017 in Marriage by

The lack of positive portrayal of men in the media is not coincidence. It’s part of a larger movement that has sought to change the very nature of men. The results have been catastrophic. And the people hurt most, I think, are women and children.

Studies in recent years have shown two disturbing trends: men are marrying later in life and adolescence is stretching into the early 30’s.

It doesn’t take long to see the reality of these trends. More males are putting off marriage until later in life, sometimes opting for co-habitation rather than marriage altogether. Starting a home and family is no longer a priority as perfecting X-box skills, traveling, and having the latest i-whatever is more important. (These trends have also contributed to serious financial difficulties, but that’s another issue for another day.) A recent Pew Research poll found that the number of men ages 18-34 that say having a successful marriage is a priority dropped from 35-29 percent.

A “Christian Feminist” Shares Thoughts on the Transgender Bathroom Issue

Posted on October 12, 2016 in Marriage, Public Policy, Sexuality, Theology by

Seeking to keep bathrooms and locker rooms segregated by biological gender is not the answer to protecting the privacy of women and children?

Mock’s reasoning is that those with evil intentions will still find a way to abuse children so we need to focus on the other ways predators find their victims. This thinking, for me, is appalling, at best. Mock is declaring that protecting the privacy of women and children in public bathrooms and locker rooms will not prevent predators from abusing kids so we need to ignore the threat. Rather than take away one avenue for predators to harm children, we should ignore it and focus on other avenues.

My Son Said He Wanted to Wear a Skirt – So I Told Him…

Posted on July 27, 2016 in Sexuality by

Yes, that’s an actual dialogue I had with my 4 year-old son recently. He says some of the most off the wall things. The kinds of things that stick with you and make you laugh at 11 o’clock at night when you’re brushing your teeth. But this time I was more curious about what he had to say.

I think it’s because I’ve read too many accounts of parents having similar conversations and determining that their child must be a “girl trapped in a boy’s body” and they begin buying him skirts and high-heels. Some of the stories I read are about 4 and 5 year old kids whose parents accommodate them when they declare they are the opposite gender.

Blogger Remembers Being Gender Confused At a Time When People Were Sane

Posted on May 26, 2016 in Marriage, Sexuality by

Like blogger LaVern Vivio, I’m very thankful I grew up at a time when common sense was still common and boys and girls were still boys and girls. Vivio recently shared a very personal part of her child hood in which she recounts wishing she were a boy. But she quickly surprises the gender activists by saying she is thankful she grew up then, rather than now:

“As a child — possibly throughout my entire adolescence I had wished — special emphasis on the word ‘wished’ I had been born a boy. I don’t still wish this — I wished it back when I also wished I could be a veterinarian, a fireman, a cowboy or the next ‘Tanya Tucker.’ when I grew up. I was thankful to have grown up then — rather than now. So I had the chance to not only choose between a career as a cowboy or fireman but to grow through the awkwardness of adolescence without being assaulted by the psychopathic motives of gender activism.”

Vivio is thankful she grew up in a saner time because if she were a child today and even hinted that she wished she were a boy, she would become a target for gender activists. Gender activists would tell Vivio that she really is a boy, trapped in a female body, and that she needs to take hormones, wear boys’

An NFL Player, Evangelist, and Pastor All Share Thoughts on the Transgender Issue. You Should Read Their Thoughts.

Posted on May 18, 2016 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

The transgender bathroom issue isn’t going away. Part of me wonders if it is a distraction to divert our attention from other critical issues facing our culture. But I also see this as an important issue in the gender identity battle; one that we can’t ignore or shrink away from.

Some notable voices have shared their thoughts on this issue. One of those notable voices is Baltimore Ravens Tight End Benjamin Watson. Watson is an outspoken Christian that is not afraid to share biblical truth on tough issues. The fact that he is a very public figure with a high-profile job makes his outspoken stance even more courageous.

Watson recently shared his thoughts on the transgender bathroom issue through a post on Facebook. (You can read the full post here.) Watson made a point that needs to be repeated over and over again. He lamented the fact that our society seems to be pushing us to simply accept the feelings of everyone, regardless of their validity or the truth of those feelings. He wrote:

Here’s Why I Cannot Support Transgender People in Their Lifestyle

Posted on May 11, 2016 in Public Policy, Sexuality, Theology by

I’ve seen many posts on social media from friends and acquaintances asking Christians to be supportive and understanding of the trans community. They implore us to show “the love of Christ” to people by supporting their lifestyle. That is a sinful request. It would be the same as asking Christians to support abortionists, or drug addicts in their “lifestyle.” Christians cannot and must not support any sinful behavior, action, or lifestyle. It is neither compassionate nor loving to support sin. We don’t show Christ to people when we encourage their sin. We show people a false Gospel that is not of Jesus Christ and has no power to save people from their sins. If Christians want to be loving and compassionate then we must proclaim the Gospel of Jesus, which is repentance from sins, with grace and truth as we recognize that we are sinners as well.

Can someone point to a place in Scripture where Jesus supported and accepted someone’s sin? As I recall, each and every time Jesus encountered sin He told the person to “sin no more.” He acknowledged their sin, called out their sin, and told them to repent. That is the model and the example Christians must imitate.

I Was Surprised When this Highly Respected Institution Said Encouraging Youth Transgenderism is a Form of Child Abuse

Posted on March 30, 2016 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

A court finds living as a boy when you are a girl is punishable by jail time. The American College of Pediatrics believes advocating for youth transgenderism is “child abuse.” And I am really confused by it all.

As you probably know, there is a massive push to “support” youth transgenderism. Schools and other public facilities are being pressured to allow transgender students to use whatever bathroom and locker room they want. Apparently they think it’s a great idea to let hormone-driven boys into girls bathrooms and locker rooms. Since everyone now has cell phones with cameras you can only imagine the privacy and safety issues that will no doubt result in such actions. Nonetheless, the push continues because: equality.

The media has been focused on North Carolina where a “controversial” bill to require people to use bathrooms and locker rooms according to their biological sex has been passed. There has been nationwide outcry from media and activists saying that this a form of discrimination. Again, some people think allowing anyone to use any facility they choose simply by claiming to be the opposite sex is a good idea. I’m sure pedophiles and sex offenders do think it’s a good idea. However, common sense says that such measures are absurd, at best.

Let’s Not Forget About the Asexual Among Us? They Want us to Know They Don’t Care About Sex…or Something Like That.

Posted on December 14, 2015 in Marriage, Sexuality by

It seems everyone these days is interested in sex in some way. Whether we’re talking about heterosexual, homosexual, bi-sexual or transsexual; everyone is interested in sex in one way or another. Everyone except for…the asexual person.

Asexuality is defined as follows:

“the lack of sexual attraction to anyone, or low or absent interest in sexual activity. It may be considered the lack of a sexual orientation, or one of the variations thereof, alongside heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality. It may also be an umbrella term used to categorize a broader spectrum of various asexual sub-identities.”

Most of us will have a hard time comprehending a life where sex is of absolutely no interest. We can’t begin to understand what it would be like to live with no attraction to anyone. And in our highly sexualized culture the idea that someone is entirely unconcerned with sex is even harder to understand. But there may be value in understanding this sexual orientation sub-culture and what part, if any, they play in the ongoing discussions of gender, sexuality, and marriage.


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