Tag: gender
Traditional Masculinity: Why Being a Manly Man Isn’t Bad
Posted on January 22, 2020 in Family, Marriage, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry

The problem with the APA’s blanket assessment is the accusation that these qualities are somehow inherently bad. A better conversation would begin by asking if these qualities have value and how they can be properly expressed.
These Headlines Begin to Pull Back the Curtain on Our Confused Culture
Posted on July 11, 2018 in Public Policy, Sexuality, Uncategorized by Nathan Cherry
If a white person dresses as a white person because she finds that person beautiful, is that a problem? Is beauty no longer in the eyes of the beholder? Are white people no longer allowed to be proud? Does this apply to all whites (German, Irish, British, South African) or just American whites? It seems the people telling us not to be racist encourage a lot of racist habits.
Should Christians Change Theology to Accommodate Transgender People?
Posted on May 2, 2018 in Sexuality, Theology by Nathan Cherry
Claiming that a lack of inclusion into the church robs transgender people of their identity is to miss the biblically stated purpose for the church. The church exists, not to affirm our individual identities but to unite us under the shadow of the cross as the body of Jesus Christ. The church, by commission from Jesus and historical creed, doesn’t care about any individuals feelings or identity. The mission of the church has been clearly communicated and it stands outside the identity of any one person.
Grown Man Abuses Young Girls – Claims to be “Trans-Age”
Posted on February 15, 2018 in Public Policy, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
If you’re like me, you’ve watched with curiosity as our culture has celebrated people that deny reality in favor of their feelings. You’ve looked on with interest, trying to figure out how it’s possible for a rational, intelligent society to be excited about men that call themselves women and white people that claim they are black. All the while wondering what’s next; because something is always next.
What’s next is beyond disgusting. It’s insidious in every way.
The Feminist Worldview is Incompatible with Love Because It Is Selfish
Posted on January 4, 2018 in Marriage by Nathan Cherry
Welcome to modern feminism. In our feminist culture where men are evil and must be defeated, women are never to do anything that could be considered demeaning. Such things include: cooking, cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, any kind of housework, decorating (for holidays or otherwise), and a whole host of other terrible, awful jobs. Any of these things are “below women” and only serve to set women back decades.
Is Calling God “Mother” Theologically Helpful?
Posted on November 28, 2017 in Theology by Nathan Cherry
Our culture currently wants to elevate women above men. Men are viewed by many as nothing more than a problem to be corrected. There’s no celebration of our differences as men and women, and no teaching of how to properly exercise our God-given femininity and masculinity. Modern feminism has as its goal to elevate women above men rather than to seek true equality. Are we really going to change how we communicate our relationship with God to accommodate culture? Are we willing to alienate people with terrible mothers in order to make God “more inclusive” for people with terrible fathers?
The Hypocrisy of Feminism is on Display in the Boy Scouts
Posted on November 2, 2017 in Public Policy, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
While they claim to be about equality, and they only want to seek equality for girls, they undermine their message by refusing to advocate access for boys to girls groups. If equality was really the goal, then they would simply advocate for groups where boys and girls all have the same access. By refusing to do so they prove that equality is not really the goal, but rather the goal is to make sure there’s not a single boys group without a girl in it; while girls maintain their exclusivity.
What’s really intriguing about this change is the response from The Girls Scouts (GS).
Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist Makes Bold Statements on Transgender Issue
Posted on October 11, 2017 in Uncategorized by Nathan Cherry
Imagine my surprise when renowned psychiatrist Dr. Paul R. McHugh, formerly the psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins recently claimed that transgenderism is a “mental disorder.” How dare he say such hurtful things. Doesn’t he know that our society doesn’t care about facts and biology? Doesn’t he know that our imaginations and desires are more important that centuries of verifiable, empirical evidence?
The Nashville Statement Reaffirms Biblical Doctrine. Why Are Christians Upset?
Posted on September 20, 2017 in Marriage, Sexuality, Theology by Nathan Cherry
What is mind-boggling to me is the number of self-professing Christians that are unhappy with the statement. I can understand lost people hating it, they hate the truth of God’s Word. Their mind and heart are ravaged by sin and under the influence of their inherent sin nature. As enemies of God (we are all born this way), they reject His authority and the clear principles for life given in Scripture. After all, darkness hates light. Darkness craves darkness to continue evil deeds that darkness loves. So when lost people react with vitriol to a biblical statement of orthodox Christian doctrine, it’s no surprise.
But I can’t figure out why Christians are so upset.
What is the Biblical Argument for Prohibiting Transgender Military Service?
Posted on August 22, 2017 in Public Policy, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
About a year ago former president Obama announced that transgender people could serve openly in the military. The decision was criticized by many saying it would affect unit cohesion and military readiness. Others panned the decision as a drain on tax dollars that would be needed to fund hormone treatments and sex-reassignment surgeries. And of course there were plenty of privacy discussions.
One thing to be clear about in our “everything is a right” culture is that serving in the military is not a right. There’s nothing in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights that says a person has the right to serve in the military. It is a privilege. If serving in the military were a right there would be no entrance requirements and people could not be disqualified based on bad eyesight, diabetes, or any other physical limitation. But, people are disqualified for any number of reasons, which is further evidence that military service is a privilege and not a right.