The Reformed Advisor

Tag: God

Well Known Christian Musician Says She is a Lesbian

Posted on August 28, 2014 in Sexuality by

Let me just get right to the point. Another well-known professing Christian musician has declared to the world that she is gay. She believes and is “certain God loves me just the way I am.” The catalyst for her acceptance of this sexual orientation seems to be some emotional, nearly traumatic religious experiences from her youth.

Vicky Beeching has made a name for herself in Contemporary Christian Music. Her gifts brought her to Nashville when she was just 23 years old. By that time she identified as lesbian, she simply didn’t tell anyone. Her struggle, according to her own account, began when she was young. By age 13 she recalls feeling alone and despondent as a result of the attractions she was experiencing.

“Pastors” Use God to Support Abortion in Planned Parenthood Letter – Again!

Posted on July 12, 2014 in Life by

Remember that “Pastoral Letter” sent out by Planned Parenthood to support abortion? The one that was so offensive they removed it from their website? Well, it seems that they have drafted a second “pastoral letter” supporting women who kill their unborn children. This letter shows the names of the “Religious Affairs Committee” and the denominations they represent. Not surprising is the fact that most of the denominations represented are dying and desperately seeking to fill pews. Even more shocking is that any “pastor” would dare support the intentional murder of an unborn child. See the cover page of the letter and the text of the letter below. (H/T to for reporting this.

Young People Explain Why They Want to Be a Virgin Until Marriage

Posted on June 16, 2014 in Marriage, Sexuality by

People wanting to remain a virgin until marriage are often confronted by a society that thinks they are strange, or that there’s something wrong with them. Sadly, our society is so sex-obsessed that anyone who is not, is considered strange. But, thankfully, young people are choosing to remain abstinent and sharing their reasons with others. Using a popular smartphone app, Whisper, which assures users of absolute privacy and anonymity, people are sharing their purpose for staying pure with others.

Here’s one of the images shared in a recent article showing the reason one user is staying a virgin until marriage. Click here for the full article which contains many more images.

When Caesar Demands That Which Belongs to God

Posted on June 6, 2014 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

What belongs to God? Everything!

When Jesus says to render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God (Matthew 22:21), He was not giving government superior status over God. He was not even giving equal status of Government to God. Rather, He gave government a limited realm which we must respect.

But there are times when we should not render to Government because Government is asking for more than they should.

One example is on Friday, the now famous Colorado Baker, Jack Phillips, lost his latest appeal to the to the Colorado Civil Rights Commission. Told he must bake a cake for a homosexual marriage celebration in violation of his religious beliefs, or else, he remained resolute, “I will stand by my convictions until somebody shuts me down.”

Planned Parenthood Sends “Pastoral Letter” Lying About Biblical Position on Abortion

Posted on June 4, 2014 in Life by

Planned Parenthood must be feeling desperate. So desperate that they have sent a “pastoral letter” to their patients sharing their version of the Bible which includes no mention of abortion and approval for the murderous procedure. The letter is posted below so you can rad it in it’s entirety. But believe me when I tell you that there is nothing “pastoral” or biblical about this letter.

Very quickly let me point out the glaring problems. First it says that abortion is not mentioned in Scripture. That’s true, abortion by name is not mentioned, just like smoking pot, sniffing cocaine, and many other modern terms. However, the Bible is very clear that murder is wrong – you can find it in those 10 commandments. From beginning to end the Bible makes clear that murder in any form is wrong, that is undeniable. Since abortion is clearly the murder of an innocent child, it is very easy to understand that the Bible condemns abortion as murder.

The Death Penalty: Is It Right for Christians to Support Killing Murderers?

Posted on June 4, 2014 in Life, Public Policy by

To be honest I would be almost apathetic to the discussion were it not for what I believe is a clear Biblical mandate in favor of the death penalty. As much as possible I seek to base my life, my worldview, on the Bible and what it teaches. At times this means adhering to views that are not culturally popular (one man one woman marriage) and defending positions that are hotly debated (abortion is murder).

The same can be said for the death penalty. While some Christians – though they are admittedly few – believe any form of violence against a human being is wrong, most understand the clear biblical teaching in support of the death penalty.

The Doctrine of God: God the Creator Makes His Creativity Known

Posted on May 30, 2014 in Theology by

First, God is the author of all creation including the creative passion given to individuals today. And second, creativity for the glory of Christ should be encouraged by Christians and the church.

Many young evangelicals feel as though the church has turned its back on creativity. At various times throughout history creativity in the arts was deemed sinful and inappropriate for believers. But if God is a creator and author of all creative gifts then creating for the glory of Christ should be celebrated.

Sadly, many Christians have abandoned creativity and left music, art, literature, and movies to lost people. There is a resurgence of Christians in Hollywood that are boldly speaking about their faith. They are encouraging young believers to pursue careers in the arts for the glory of Jesus. Faith themed movies are making waves in Hollywood and stumping critics regularly. Movies like: Facing the Giants, Fireproof, Soul Surfer, The Blind Side, and God’s Not Dead are bringing faith to the big screen. We should support these works and encourage those in Hollywood making these movies. The ability of art to transcend cultural and denominational lines makes it a powerful tool we as Christians should be utilizing rather than ignoring.

Marriage Redefinition Seeks to Remove God from Our Understanding of Gender, Sexuality, and Marriage.

Posted on May 6, 2014 in Marriage, Sexuality by

Is it possible that there is a deliberate anti-Bible element to the effort to redefine marriage and sexuality? More than just some cultural shift or some desire for equality, what if this effort is really about destroying a vital aspect of biblical doctrine.

Central to the biblical teaching on sexuality and gender is the belief that men and women are “equal but different.” Within this teaching is the very simple concept that men and women are inherently different in their physical, emotional, and sexual construct, but are equal in their worth and value. That’s not a hard concept to understand when looking at a man and a woman.

Liberal ideology however is rapidly opposed to this concept and is seeking to replace it with the belief that there is no difference between men and women. Now, to be fair, the idea that there is no difference between men and women is logically absurd. One look at a man and woman will quickly reveal the obvious physical differences, the emotional differences are well documented, and the sexual differences go hand in hand with the physical differences. But, that doesn’t stop the effort to erase those inherent differences.

What, if any biblical teachings would be harmed in the effort to erase the differences between men and women?

The Gospel Coalition: 9 Things You Should Know About the National Day of Prayer

Posted on May 1, 2014 in Religious Freedom by

Today is the National Day of Prayer, an annual day of observance celebrated by Americans of various faiths. Here are nine things you should know about the day when people are asked “to turn to God in prayer and meditation.”

1. The National Day of Prayer is an annual observance held on the first Thursday of May, inviting people of all faiths to pray for the nation. It was created in 1952 by a joint resolution of the United States Congress, and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman.

So you say you are a Christian but don’t believe all the Bible?

Posted on May 1, 2014 in Theology by

From my first days at Marshall University, I met people who said they were Christians, but that they did not believe all of the Bible. This view has never made sense to me. How do they know which parts are true? How do they know which parts are reliable? For some odd reason, they feel they can hold to a proper view of Jesus Christ without ever believing what the Bible teaches us about Jesus. For them, they approach the Bible with scissors and “snip and cut” away things they do not like.

These people are creating their own religion, not embracing the true religion of Christianity.

Eliminating parts of the Bible started by people who used very broad strokes to divide the Bible into parts. First, they said the New Testament is trustworthy, but the Old Testament is not and is “done away with.” These scholars want to talk about the “love” of the New Testament and somehow feel it is incompatible with the law giving, holy God of the Old.

First rule of thumb, when you don’t understand God and you start eliminating attributes of God based upon your misunderstanding, then you are in trouble.


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