The Reformed Advisor

Tag: Planned Parenthood

I Challenge Anyone to Give Me a Reason to Support Planned Parenthood

Posted on August 26, 2015 in Life by

What possible reason could a rational person give for supporting Planned Parenthood?

I suppose someone might say that they “do a lot of good things”? Though I’ve not seen or heard evidence of any such good deeds, it might be possible. But is that a good enough reason to support the whole sale slaughter of millions of children every year and the outright barbarity of selling aborted baby body parts for money?

You know, it occurs to me that Hitler did a lot of good things. He greatly increased the infrastructure of Germany and developed the industry of the country. In fact, he was beloved by many for his “humanitarian efforts” in the country. But he also tried to wipe out an entire race of people. For that reason history does not look favorably on Hitler and no one seeks to hold him up as a model of good works.

So why is anyone defending an organization that primarily exists to kill unborn children? What good could possibly overcome the mountains of evil perpetrated by Planned Parenthood? For that matter, how much good does someone have to do in order to overcome the evil of ripping an unborn child apart to sell its body parts?

In recent months the Dixie flag, a symbol of heritage and family pride for many, has been removed from the public eye for its racist ties. If a flag can be condemned for racism, why isn’t Planned Parenthood condemned for the racism of its founder, Margaret Sanger? Sanger founded Planned Parenthood with the goal of eliminating African-American babies because she believed they were inferior. And somehow Congress, and our President, still finds it acceptable to applaud this organization?

In the 7th undercover video, various Planned Parenthood doctors and executives describe altering the abortion procedure in order to obtain the organs they need to sell. The video shows that at times abortionists with Planned Parenthood will even seek to remove parts from an infant that survives the abortion procedure and is born alive. One article reports:

I Was Wrong. The 7th Video of Planned Parenthood is the Most Shocking and Graphic.

Posted on August 24, 2015 in Life by

I had mentioned in my previous posts about the undercover videos showing the barbarism of Planned Parenthood that I thought the 6th video was the most shocking. I was wrong.

The latest video is a discussion of how Planned Parenthood will alter their abortion procedure (a violation of federal law) in order to obtain a fully developed baby for the purpose of harvesting organs. The video also goes into great detail recounting when a Planned Parenthood doctor cut out the brain of a baby while it’s heart was still beating. A recent article comments on the newest video:

“Today’s video contains heartrending admissions about the absolute barbarism of Planned Parenthood’s abortion practice and baby parts sales in which fetuses are sometimes delivered intact and alive. Planned Parenthood is a criminal organization from the top down and should be immediately stripped of taxpayer funding and prosecuted for their atrocities against humanity.”

And just in case you’re unsure if what Planned Parenthood is doing violates federal law, consider this quote from the article:

“The Center for Medical Progress alleges that Planned Parenthood is likely breaking federal laws requiring that appropriate medical care and treatment be given to babies who survive abortions. State and federal law require that the same treatment be given to an infant born-alive after an abortion as to a normally delivered baby (1 U.S.C. 8, CA Health and Safety Code 123435). California law also prohibits any kind of experimentation on a fetus with a discernible heartbeat (CA Health and Safety Code 123440).”

The video is posted below. But be warned, it is graphic in nature. If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.

Planned Parenthood Ignores Federal Law and Mother’s Wishes To Take What They Want

Posted on August 18, 2015 in Life by

IHolly O’Donnelln the latest video exposing Planned Parenthood for selling aborted baby body parts, ex-technician Holly O’Donnell, reveals that despite a federal law requiring consent from the mother to harvest fetal remains, Planned Parenthood will simply take what they want when they cannot get permission.

O’Donnell was a procurement technician at Planned Parenthood (PP). Her job was to identify women that would be a good match for the samples PP needed to pass along as fetal donations. What O’Donnell didn’t know is that not only was it a demand that she approach women to ask them about donating their aborted babies but, when the mother’s refused, PP would simply take what they wanted.

The sixth video reveals yet another instance of PP ignoring federal law to commit atrocious acts for the sake of money. Even while PP president Cecile Richards is on television telling us all how good Planned Parenthood is, and all the wonderful things they do to help women, we learn yet another way PP operates illegally. It makes me wonder how anyone, such as Hillary Clinton, can support and defend Planned Parenthood.

In the video O’Donnell explains:

Planned Parenthood is Losing Funding After Undercover Videos Released. When Will Charges Be Filed?

Posted on August 12, 2015 in Life by

For over a month now videos have been released showing the disturbing and potentially illegal activities of Planned Parenthood. The country’s largest abortion merchant has been making money selling aborted baby body parts to biotech companies for research. Such practices are explicitly illegal in the United States but Planned Parenthood doesn’t generally concern themselves with the law.

The latest video might be the most disturbing of all.

In the latest video a Planned Parenthood (PP) Research Director can be seen and heard discussing how PP routinely harvests organs for profit. But what is most shocking is that she explains how abortion procedures are altered (a violation of federal law) to provide fully intact babies for donation as research specimens. A recent article explains exactly what this means:

5th Planned Parenthood Undercover Video Might Be Most Disturbing Of All

Posted on August 10, 2015 in Life by

Once again Planned Parenthood has been caught bragging about their ability to sell aborted baby body parts for profit. This time, and perhaps most disturbingly, they are discussing their ability to provide fully intact aborted babies to be used as research specimens. If this doesn’t turn your stomach and anger you it’s time to check your pulse. A recent article comments on the video:

“The fifth undercover video in the controversy over Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted baby parts shows the Director of Research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, Melissa Farrell, advertising the Texas Planned Parenthood branch’s track record of fetal tissue sales, including its ability to deliver fully intact aborted babies.”

Planned Parenthood, “helping women” since founder Margaret Sanger first explained what a good idea it was to kill unborn children.

Watch the video below. Warning: some of the discussion and images in the video are graphic. If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.

New Videos Reveal Depth of Planned Parenthood Wickedness – All for Money

Posted on August 5, 2015 in Life by

The damage Planned Parenthood (PP) has suffered as a result of the undercover videos being released showing how their organization harvests and sells aborted baby body parts for profit has been massive.

To date, several large corporate sponsors have ended their contributions to the abortion giant. More than a dozen governors in various states have ordered investigations into the PP operations in their state. And a bill to defund PP from all public funding has been fast tracked in Congress. All in all, it’s been a rough few weeks for Planned Parenthood.

I, for one, couldn’t be happier.

Planned Parenthood is a vile, criminal organization that has preyed on minority women for years. Founded by Margaret Sanger, a woman that encouraged eugenics, and was known for her racist leanings, PP has done nothing to help society since it was founded. Go ahead, google Margaret Sanger, read some of the things she wrote. If our society is going to flip out over the confederate flag then surely we have to close PP as a result of their racist history. Right?

The last two videos released – video 3 and video 4 – reveal further damaging comments by high ranking PP officials as to exactly what goes on behind closed doors. In video three we learn:

Warning: Latest Planned Parenthood Video Showing Organ Harvesting is Graphic

Posted on August 3, 2015 in Life by

The latest (4th) undercover video of a Planned Parenthood executive discussing organ harvesting and the money profited by the procedure is hard to watch. The discussion is graphic as you realize that they are talking about removing “intact specimen’s” through abortion; which means killing unborn babies through grisly means only to harvest their organs. But perhaps the hardest part of the video comes around the 9 minute mark when the footage shows an actual organ harvesting “demonstration” and the doctor talks about all the parts: heart, foot, leg, etc. It’s at this moment the doctor says “it’s a baby” and you realize just how evil this action is.

Watch the video below. Be warned that the footage and discussion are very graphic. If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.

What Can Selling Aborted Baby Body Parts Buy? A Lamborghini!

Posted on July 28, 2015 in Life by

People across the nation were stunned to learn that Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion merchant, was also making money selling aborted baby body parts. The video of Dr. Nucatola went viral as people were shocked to see her so casually discussing how Planned Parenthood routinely harvests and sells body parts.

Planned Parenthood immediately went into crisis management mode to try and assure us all that what we saw with our eyes and heard with our ears wasn’t true. When the group that released the video was accused of editing it they released the full, unedited video that made it clear that Planned Parenthood is selling aborted baby body parts. Planned Parenthood then called on their friends in Congress to begin investigating pro-life people for being outraged and demanding that Congress defund the group.

Congress responded by proposing a new bill to defund Planned Parenthood of the $500 billion in annual tax-payer funding they receive. And many state governors called for investigations into operations in their states. All in all, this has been a really lousy couple of weeks for Planned Parenthood.

Well…it seems things are just getting worse.

A second video shows another Planned Parenthood executive negotiating the sale of aborted baby body parts.

In the second video, a senior official with Planned Parenthood, Mary Gatter, is seen discussing the harvesting and sale of aborted baby body parts with people pretending to be interested in buying them. A recent article reports:

Second Video Shows Planned Parenthood Harvesting and Selling Aborted Baby Body Parts

Posted on July 27, 2015 in Life by

If you thought one video showing evidence that Planned Parenthood routinely aborts children in order to harvest their organs and sell them was disturbing. A second video will make you downright angry. The truth though is that this is Planned Parenthood at their best. More than 90% of their “services” to women in any given year is abortion. They then harvest organs to sell for profit. So while someone might be tempted to defend them as a good organization for the community – I beg to differ.

Watch the video below to see further disturbing proof of how vile this organization is. If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.

Dog Fighting Gets Jail Time. Aborting Kids to Harvest Their Organs Gets Defended

Posted on July 21, 2015 in Life by

There’s a historical account in the Bible about a pagan god named Molech. Part of the ritual worship of Molech was to sacrifice infant children by burning them alive. The earliest prohibition for such pagan rituals among God’s people can be found in Leviticus 18:21. In fact, the penalty for participating in Molech worship was death.

I have no doubt that if any of us saw a group of people attempting to sacrifice a child to a pagan god we would immediately be outraged to the point of action. We could hardly see such a sight, yawn, and go back to whatever we were doing.

The reality is that such pagan sacrifices are happening each and every day right under our noses. Oh, and by the way, you’re helping fund the organization that is carrying out these atrocious crimes.

The world awoke last week to the shocking revelation that Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion merchant, makes a routine practice of selling the body parts of aborted babies for profit. Not only is this a moral outrage it is also a federal crime. Yet somehow Planned Parenthood and their officials are not in jail.

An undercover video of a high-ranking Planned Parenthood official, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, explaining how the abortion giant regularly harvests organs during abortions for sale has gone viral and caused outrage across the country. Todd Starnes, writing at Fox News, transcribes part of the conversation heard on the video:


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