Author: Nathan Cherry
These 8 Questions are at the Heart of a Solid Financial Plan
Posted on December 4, 2019 in Family, Money by Nathan Cherry

Being able to answer a few questions can make the difference between a confident financial future and a disaster waiting to happen. Don’t wait for an emergency to begin protecting yourself and your family. If you can’t answer these 8 questions, it’s time to consult a financial professional today.
The Currency of Priorities: How Knowing What We Value Can Lead to Wealth
Posted on November 20, 2019 in Money by Nathan Cherry
It’s a mistake to think that wealth is nothing more than the sum of our accumulated assets. Wealth can be found in many forms. The currencies of contentment, self-control, patience, and priorities can not only help us accumulate material wealth, they can help us to become wealthy human beings. The kind of people that we all want to know.
The Currency of Patience: A Commodity in a “Amazon Prime” Culture
Posted on November 13, 2019 in Money by Nathan Cherry
A lack of patience is perhaps one of the most common factors in an unhealthy personal and financial position. Whether its impulse buying, spending more than we make, carrying high levels of debt, or all of the above. Lacking patience will never help advance our goals and contribute to our personal or financial success.
The Currency of Self-Control: How Saying No Can Lead to Financial Growth
Posted on November 6, 2019 in Money by Nathan Cherry
Self-control is the ability to restrain ourselves from making poor decisions simply for a temporary happiness high. It’s reported that
The Currency of Contentment: How Avoiding Happiness Can Impact Your Financial Position
Posted on October 30, 2019 in Money by Nathan Cherry
If you learn to manage this special “currency” well, it will help you to avoid financial ruin. In the public
These Unusual “Currencies” Can Create Tremendous Wealth
Posted on October 22, 2019 in Money by Nathan Cherry
I work in an industry where currency is central. Whether we are speaking of domestic fiat currency, foreign fiat currency,
What’s So Good About “Good Friday”?
Posted on April 19, 2019 in Theology by Nathan Cherry
The streets must have been strange. The environment odd, as religious leaders walked with noses pointed into the air down the street as if to remind the people that radicals come and go, but they were there to stay. These arrogant hypocrites that knew the Scriptures better than most still had no idea what they’d done and what was coming. Judas knew. He realized quickly that he made a mistake. His sin was so heavy on his shoulders that he could only commit suicide. But the Pharisees were too proud, too arrogant, far too narcissistic for that. I can see them smiling smugly, proud of their accomplishment. All the while not knowing that while it was Friday…Sunday was coming.
Thinking Biblically About When to Baptize Children
Posted on December 12, 2018 in Theology by Nathan Cherry
In a country like the United States, where easy believe-ism has produced false converts and cultural Christianity that seems to identify more with the American flag and White House than with the Scriptures and church house, this view is understandable. It’s almost a necessary evil.
It’s funny how life changes in ways you never fully expected. You can plan for some things, but not in a fully comprehensive way until the time comes. The season of life I currently find myself in is like that. It’s been somewhat planned for the last 2 years but, now that it’s here, there’s a lot to think through.
When People Want to Believe the Worst About Reformed Theology
Posted on September 13, 2018 in Uncategorized by Nathan Cherry
I’m convinced that some simply want to believe the worst and have no interest in a friendly dialogue about the truth claims of Reformed theology. But with so much common ground between Reformed theology and Arminianism, it should be our goal to build one another up, not tear down.