The Reformed Advisor

Category: Public Policy

Planned Parenthood is Really Mad and Donald Trump…Again!

Posted on March 22, 2018 in Life, Public Policy by

Is it any wonder people feel free to walk into a school and start shooting? Are we really surprised that people have no trouble filming their abuse of the elderly for social media? Can we really be shocked that a person would drive a car through a crowded parade? If human life is not valuable simply because it exists, it is easy to rationalize the killing of anyone. If I get to decide what constitutes life, and what life is valuable, it stands to reason that conflicting definitions of life and value will compete with one another.

The Lottery: Government Sanctioned Gambling Preying on the Poor

Posted on March 21, 2018 in Money, Public Policy by

The lottery, then, is nothing less than another tax enacted by the government on (sometimes) unsuspecting people. And though the lottery is a voluntary tax, it is often pushed by media hype as the growing jackpot becomes a focal point of the news. And though studies have long-shown the financial damage caused by the lottery to lower-income people, this tax doesn’t appear to be going away anytime soon. The government is not likely to end such a large revenue stream. So the preying goes on.

Why Haven’t We Made Porn Illegal Yet?

Posted on March 14, 2018 in Marriage, Public Policy by

Consider for a moment why we don’t invite people to our house to watch us engage in sexual activity. When is the last time your friend, neighbor, or co-worker said “Hey, how about stopping over tonight to watch me and the wife have sex.”? Such an invitation would be met with shock, disgust, and a genuine concern for the well-being of the other person.

Two Legal Cases Highlight the Right to Discriminate and Human Productivity

Posted on March 13, 2018 in Life, Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

A recent article shares the case of Cathy Miller, the owner of a California baker called Tastries Bakery. Miller was asked to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding ceremony but declined based on her religious convictions. A California judge ruled in favor of Miller, saying that “to force such compliance would do violence to the essentials of Free Speech.”

Wealth Principles: The Principle of Human Productivity

Posted on March 8, 2018 in Money, Public Policy by

This is what socialism is missing. Socialism says that everyone will be happy if we just divide everything evenly. Socialism ignores the principle of human productivity by making it possible for people that do very little to have the same means as those producing greater amounts. Socialism effectively removes the incentive to human productivity.

Many welfare systems that have no work requirement also violate the principle of human productivity. If I don’t have to work and the government will still provide free housing, health care, cell phones, and food, what is my incentive to work? Poverty is perpetuated by the idea that people shouldn’t have to be productive in order to receive goods and services.

The Next Chapter in the Trans Revolution: Trans-Species

Posted on March 7, 2018 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

Now, I’m going to stop right here and be honest enough to say that I don’t actually know how to understand that last sentence. Do colors make “light waves?” If I see a blue car am I missing out on the “light waves” because my eyes see color and my brain interprets the colors as colors? What interaction do these “light waves” have with sound, radio waves, and other forms of technology around us?

Let’s set my curiosity aside for a moment and focus on what Harbisson says about himself. He recently said:

Google Complies with Government Request to Yank LGBT Apps from Play Store

Posted on February 21, 2018 in Money, Public Policy by

I’ll admit that I’m perplexed by news that Google is complying with a government request to yank LGBT apps from their Play Store. I thought Google was a “tolerant,” “inclusive” company that championed the views of the sexual revolution. I thought Google openly mocked and blacklisted anyone that dared to disagree with their corporate code.

Grown Man Abuses Young Girls – Claims to be “Trans-Age”

Posted on February 15, 2018 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

If you’re like me, you’ve watched with curiosity as our culture has celebrated people that deny reality in favor of their feelings. You’ve looked on with interest, trying to figure out how it’s possible for a rational, intelligent society to be excited about men that call themselves women and white people that claim they are black. All the while wondering what’s next; because something is always next.

What’s next is beyond disgusting. It’s insidious in every way.

Google: A Corrupt Company Culture Conservatives Should Reconsider

Posted on January 31, 2018 in Money, Public Policy by

Most people are familiar with the former Google engineer that was fired for writing a memo in which he made comments Google found incompatible with their corporate culture. James Damore wrote the memo to express his belief that it was possible more men work in technology due to personal choice and perhaps due to the inherent biological differences between men and women. Of course such notions can hardly be spoken among friends at a dinner party, much less in corporate America where any hint that differences exist will be immediately vilified.

So James Damore was fired.

Students Speak Loud and Clear: Sex Education Courses Get an F

Posted on January 30, 2018 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

As ridiculous as these sound, it is equally ridiculous that the government thought their graphic sex education class was a good idea. And even more ridiculous that school want to partner with the government to take this failed idea to elementary and Kindergarten classrooms. Why does a 1st grader need to know about sex?

A recent article reports the following concerning the failed approach to sex education:


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