The Reformed Advisor

Month: November 2017

When Can Hobbies and Recreation Be A Bad Thing?

Posted on November 30, 2017 in Theology by

When we can’t make it to church on Sunday, it’s not a problem because we “live under grace” and God’s okay with it. The end result is a Christian that sees Sunday morning as the primary time to “be a Christian” but doesn’t attend faithfully (which is okay) because of distractions and recreations.

This is an issue that stirs up all sorts of trouble with Christians. Accusations of legalism and judgment abound when someone starts stepping on toes regarding recreation. It’s hard to comprehend Christians getting angry over someone saying they should be faithful to their Christian duties. Welcome to modern America.

Is Calling God “Mother” Theologically Helpful?

Posted on November 28, 2017 in Theology by

Our culture currently wants to elevate women above men. Men are viewed by many as nothing more than a problem to be corrected. There’s no celebration of our differences as men and women, and no teaching of how to properly exercise our God-given femininity and masculinity. Modern feminism has as its goal to elevate women above men rather than to seek true equality. Are we really going to change how we communicate our relationship with God to accommodate culture? Are we willing to alienate people with terrible mothers in order to make God “more inclusive” for people with terrible fathers?

Christian Business and the Ministry of Wealth Creation

Posted on November 21, 2017 in Money by

I live in the “wealth creation” world. Part of my objective is to help people create and maintain assets that will allow them to live life the way they desire. It’s what all of us in the financial services industry seek for our clients on a continual basis.

One notable difference for me is that, as a Christian, I am constantly seeking to integrate my faith into my work and be “light and salt” to those I interact with. Many believe that wealth and religion are segregated. The thought persists that our finances and our faith have nothing to do with one another. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

In recent years more Christians have begun to understand the just how intertwined their faith and their finances really are.

Hugh Hefner: Proving Hollywood is a Hypocrite on Morality

Posted on November 15, 2017 in Uncategorized by

It’s hard to make sense of a world that can compartmentalize the lives of Harvey Weinstein and Hugh Hefner. Maybe if Weinstein would have offered to pay women and make them famous for accepting his sexual proposals he would not be in the trouble he is in right now. Then again, I think Weinstein did pay and make women famous. Just like Hefner.

And yet, Hefner is lauded and Weinstein is fired.

The Miracles of Jesus Revealed The Wonder of the God-Man

Posted on November 14, 2017 in Theology by

The simple answer is yes! He had to show us that He was Lord over all heaven and earth. He couldn’t just come and die for us without first showing us Who He really was. He knew we wouldn’t believe that He was God’s Son without some evidence, some proof that He more than just a man. He knew our hearts would doubt, even if we watched Him die. So He came as a baby, lived as a man, and bent time and space to His will with just the words of His mouth.

He needed to walk on the water so we knew that the powerful ocean was under His command. He needed to calm the storm so we knew that the untamable wind obeyed His voice. The mighty earth with vast oceans and dizzying mountains belong to Him and He wanted to make sure we knew they would bow to Him when commanded to do so.

An Open Letter to Hollywood Regarding Ratings (And Morality)

Posted on November 9, 2017 in Sexuality by

But the straw that just might break this tired old camel’s back is your “moral outrage” over conservative values. For decades you have tried to shame people into abandoning their conservative moral positions. You have memorialized every immoral action under the sun and told us how “heroic” it is. Your talking heads have repeatedly blasted anyone disagreeing with your “moral outrage” while you actively end the careers of men and women brave enough to espouse a different view.

And you did this while keeping the secrets of sexual deviants and abusers.

If I Get To Define Grace We Are All in Trouble

Posted on November 7, 2017 in Theology by

In some ways, American Christians have bought into the false teaching that it’s important to feed their self-worth. We’ve become so caught up in making sure we love ourselves, and making sure everyone else does too, that we’ve created our own personal idol out of our self-worth. We end up projecting our idea of grace onto the church…

The Hypocrisy of Feminism is on Display in the Boy Scouts

Posted on November 2, 2017 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

While they claim to be about equality, and they only want to seek equality for girls, they undermine their message by refusing to advocate access for boys to girls groups. If equality was really the goal, then they would simply advocate for groups where boys and girls all have the same access. By refusing to do so they prove that equality is not really the goal, but rather the goal is to make sure there’s not a single boys group without a girl in it; while girls maintain their exclusivity.

What’s really intriguing about this change is the response from The Girls Scouts (GS).

Religious Freedom Win: Employers Can Opt Out of Contraception Coverage

Posted on November 1, 2017 in Life by

An article at FRC comments on a piece by Linda Greenhouse at The New York Times in which Greenhouse laments the fact that “American women are losing the right to employer-provided birth control.” The article at FRC argues that birth control is not a right:

“At least she was honest enough to not use the hyperbole of saying, “American women are losing birth control…


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